Colonel Yvonne L. Mays, Chief of Staff-Air, New Jersey Air National Guard

Col. Yvonne L. Maysis Acting Adjutant General of New Jersey and Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. She commands the more than 8,400 Soldiers and Airmen of the New Jersey National Guard and leads, directs, and manages the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs in the execution of federal and state missions. In addition, she manages all state veterans’programs, commissions, and facilities in New Jersey.

Colonel Mays began her Air Force career in 1983 as an enlisted airman in the active component for nine years before transferring to the reserve component where she served another six years. She began her National Guard career as a soldier in the South Carolina Army National Guard. She received her commission from the Palmetto Military Academy in July 1999. 

She has served as the Director of Personnel and Commander Military Personnel Flight, 177th Fighter Wing, Atlantic City, NJ. 177th FW Executive Officer, Deputy Chief of Staff NJANG, Executive Officer to The Adjutant General, NJNG, State Public Affairs Officer, NJNG Bilateral Affairs Officer in the Republic of Albania and the NJNG State Partnership Program Manager.

As an enlisted airman in the active component, she supported numerous operations such as “Operation Just Cause” and deployed OCONUS in support of Desert Storm During her tenure as an officer in the New Jersey Air National Guard, Col Mays has supported Operations Noble Eagle and Enduring Freedom. Most recently she served as the T32 Deputy to the Dual Status Commander and Deputy Joint Task Force Commander supporting New Jersey Covid -19 Response Operations. Prior to her current assignment, the Colonel was the Commander, Mission Support Group, 177th Fighter Wing, Atlantic City, NJ As the Deputy Adjutant General).

The Colonel serves as the Deputy Adjutant General, New Jersey National Guard (NJNG), she is the principal advisor to The Adjutant General (TAG) of the State of New Jersey on all matters concerning military readiness for more than 8400 soldiers and airmen, mobilizations, homeland security, defense to civil authorities, human resources, logistics, training and financial management of the Departments 3200 full-time, state and federal employees, and more than 30 armories and associated properties.


1983 Basic Military Training, Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas
1986 Non-Commissioned Officer Prep Course, Altus AFB, Okla.
1991 Non-Commissioned Officer Course, Charleston AFB, S.C.
1992 Bachelor of Arts, Education Curriculum Development, Southern Illinois University
1997 Master of Arts, Human Resources /Management, Webster University, Saint Louis, Mo.
1999 Officer Candidate School, Palmetto Military Academy, U.S Army- Fort Jackson, S.C.
2000 Personnel Officer School, Keesler AFB, Miss.
2004 Expeditionary Aerospace Communications Officer Training
2005 Communications Officer School, Keesler AFB, Miss.
2006 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, Ala., by correspondence
2010 Defense Institute of Security Assistance, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio
2011 Air Command and Staff College- Correspondence, Maxwell AFB, Ala., by correspondence
2016 Crisis Management Course- Harvard Kennedy School, Boston, Mass.
2016 Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Ala., by correspondence
2018 Duals Status Commander Course
2019 Safety and Accident Investigation Board


1. October 1983 – December 1985, 305th Aerial Port Sq. McGuire AFB NJ
2. December 1985 – December 1986, Osan AB, Republic of Korea
3. December 1986 – October 1989, Altus AFB, OK
4. October 1989 – June 1998, 437th Aerial Port SQ Charleston AFB, SC
5. October 1999 – October 2000, Director of Personnel, 177th Fighter Wing, Egg Harbor TWP, NJ
6. October 2000 – May 2003, Commander Mission Support Flight, 177th Fighter Wing, Egg Harbor TWP, NJ
7. May 2003 – June 2008, Wing Executive Officer, 177th Fighter Wing, Egg Harbor TWP, NJ
8. June 2008 – September 2009, Deputy Chief of Staff-Air, JFHQ, McGuire AFB, NJ
9. September 2009 – September 2010, State Public Affairs Officer, New Jersey National Guard, Trenton NJ
10. September 2010 – September 2011, Bilateral Affairs Officer, HQ USEUCOM, Tirana, Albania
11. October 2011 – June 2012, State Partnership Program Coordinator NJNG and NGB, Trenton, NJ
12. June 2012 – December 2017, Executive Officer to The Adjutant General of New Jersey, NJNG, Trenton, NJ
13. December 2017 – June 2022, Director of Staff, New Jersey Air National Guard, Joint Force Headquarter – Air, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ
14. June 2022 Mission Support Group Commander, New Jersey Air National Guard, 177th Fighter Wing, Egg Harbor TWP, NJ
15. November 2023 – Present Chief of Staff, Joint Force Headquarters, NJ ANG, Fort Dix NJ


Legion of Merit
Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Joint Service Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Army Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air Force Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Air Force Achievement Medal with four oak leaf clusters


Second Lieutenant Jul 31, 1999
First Lieutenant Jul 31, 2001
Captain Jul 31, 2003
Major Jul 31, 2007
Lieutenant Colonel Mar 8, 2012
Colonel 26 April 2018

(Current as November 2023)